Nancy R. Goodman Director

We invite you to enter the Virtual Psychoanalytic Museum for a new experience of psychoanalytic understanding. You are now a part of our museum community.

Nancy vpm

Welcome to the beginning of our fourth season!

I am Nancy R. Goodman, Director of the museum and want to introduce you to the most current exhibit, The Courage to Fight Violence Against Women, curated by Paula L. Ellman.  In this season’s opening exhibit you will find a vibrant and heartfelt display of narrative and artwork illustrating the traumas of violence and the resilience of the human spirit to symbolize horrors of rape, femicide, and hatred.  These exhibits communicate to our souls and make us all witnesses.

For navigating through this exhibit you can follow this link to Dr. Ellman’s introduction and to galleries by Raquel Berman, Janice LiebermanRachel Cohen, and Myra Sklarew.  Paula Ellman is Overall Chair of the Committee on Women of the International Psychoanalytic Association, is co-editor (with Nancy Goodman) of a book: The Courage to Fight Violence Against Women (Karnac, 2017) which grew out of a two day conference in Washington, DC by the same name.  Paula has also curated the Body Gallery that is an exhibit from the opening of the virtual museum. 

We are also keeping exhibits from last season available in the Main Entry Hall for now. As new exhibits become ready for launch we will move older exhibits to the Past Galleries and Exhibits area where they will remain accessible along with those from our first season.

Your feedback will help create a place for psychoanalysis to show the dynamism of deep unconscious life and the vitality inherent in dialogue. Please give us feedback about the museum as a whole, content of each gallery, the format, and topics for future development.

Navigating and Participating – Museum Tips
from Webmaster Devra Hall Levy

Nancy R. Goodman, Director, 
Paula Ellman, Marilyn Meyers, & Batya Monder, Curators
Arnold Richards, IPBooks, Publisher
Devra Hall Levy, Webmaster