Section A. Overview. The IPA is governed by the IPA Members and, pursuant to Rule 7, managed by its Board of Representatives and Organisational Officers.

Section B. IPA Membership governance.

(1) Overview. IPA Members exercise supreme control of the IPA by

a. participating in biennial Business Meetings, and

b. voting by IPA Membership ballot to elect Organisational Officers, adopting amendments to these Rules, and taking other actions that must or may be taken by ballot approval by these Rules.

(2) Business Meetings. A Business Meeting of IPA Members shall be held in conjunction with each biennial IPA Congress and shall have general IPA authority to review all actions of the Board and the Organisational Officers.

a. Quorum action by majority vote. A quorum of at least:

(i) 100 IPA Members may by majority vote accept a report of the Board or any Organisational Officer.
(ii) 150 IPA Members may by majority vote pass any non-binding resolution or action. A non-binding resolution is one that expresses the Meeting’s preference but does not take or require any action by or for the IPA or the Board.
(iii) 200 IPA Members may by majority vote approve Component Society or Provisional Society status.
(iv) 300 IPA Members, with at least 20% from each Geographical Area, may (a) by a two thirds vote suspend, restrict or terminate the status of a Constituent Organisation [per Rule 4, Section A(10)a], or (b) by majority vote adopt any other Binding Resolution (defined Rule 3, Section A(1) and (3)).

b. Reports from the Board. The Business Meeting shall receive current reports from the President on matters of importance to the IPA, the Treasurer on the finances of the IPA and related organisations, and the Vice President on (i) the prior two year’s significant organisational activities, actions, and developments and (ii) the Board’s recommendations for Business Meeting discussion, advice, and action.

c. Agenda, resolutions introduced by petition. The Board shall present an agenda, and accompanying recommendations, for the Business Meeting. This agenda shall contain all matters that (i) the Board presents for consideration and (ii) were raised by petition filed with the Vice President at least three (3) months prior to the Business Meeting and signed by at least 100 IPA Members, including at least twenty (20) from each Geographical Area (“Petition Resolutions”).

d. Resolutions of Business Meeting. Only agenda items presented by the Board or by Petition Resolution (defined in the preceding section) may result in Binding Resolutions of the Business Meeting. Motions from the floor of the Business Meeting may be made by any two (2) IPA Members, and action thereon shall be advisory and not a Binding Resolution.

e. Notifying IPA Members of Business Meeting Actions. All Business Meeting resolutions and actions shall be communicated by Survey Method or mail to each Constituent Organisation for communication to its membership, and to the IPA’s Direct Members, within three (3) months after the conclusion of the Business Meeting.

(3) Voting by mail ballot. IPA Members shall act by mail ballot (or by fax or other reliable means determined by the Board) on the following matters and decisions, as provided in these Rules:

- Electing the voting members of the Board [per Rule 7 Section A(4)a]
- Amending these Rules [per Rule 10 Section A]
- Approving the dissolution or merger of the IPA [per Rule 10 Section B]
- Matters referred to IPA Membership ballot by the Board or by Binding Resolution of the Business Meeting.