Section A. Titles and Authorities.

(1) The President is the IPA’s chief executive officer and spokesperson. The President shall effectuate and comply with the Board’s orders, resolutions, rules, requirements and restrictions, and act consistent with, and in furtherance of, these Rules. The President (i) presides at the Business Meeting and other general meetings of the IPA, including meetings of the Board and its Executive Committee, and (ii) appoints the personnel of IPA committees, task forces and other special IPA bodies in consultation with (and subject to rejection by) the Board.

(2) The Vice President is the IPA’s associate chief executive officer and spokesperson. The Vice-President shall effectuate and comply with the Board’s orders, resolutions, rules, requirements and restrictions, and act consistent with, and in furtherance of these Rules. The Vice President (i) in the absence of the President, presides at the Business Meeting and other general meetings of the IPA including meetings of the Board and its Executive and (ii) deliberates with the President concerning the appointments of the personnel of committees, task forces and other special bodies in consultation with (and subject to rejection by) the Board.

(3) The Vice President presides at meetings in the absence of the President. The President-Elect presides at meetings in the absence of the President and the Vice President. The President-Elect, while presiding in the President’s and Vice President’s absence at the Board or in other meetings, shall have a vote only to make or break a tie.

(4) The Interim President. Only a Representative from the same Geographical Area as then applies to the presidency may be eligible, pursuant to Rule 9, Section C(2)(b), to be elected by the Board as Interim President.

(5) The President and Vice President oversee the keeping of the operational, corporate and business records of the IPA and related entities, ensures the proper flow of information to IPA Members and Constituent Organisations, and performs such other duties as are required by these Rules.

(6) The Treasurer, under the Board’s direction, oversees the receipt, disbursement, accounting and management of all monies and assets of the IPA and related entities. The Treasurer shall submit financial statements to the Board as required, no less frequently than annually, and to the Business Meeting every two years.