Dues Advisory Committee


This committee falls within the Governance Group of IPA Committees. The overall strategic objective of this Group of Committees is: 'to ensure the efficient and effective management of the IPA in accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws'.

Specific Mandate

The overall purpose of the Committee shall be to monitor the IPA's dues procedures, to respond to requests from the Executive Committee or the Treasurer or the Board on specific issues related to dues, and to propose changes to dues levels or procedures or any other related matters.

In particular, the Committee shall:

1.Monitor the application of the IPA's dues procedures.

2.When requested by the Board, Executive Committee or the Treasurer, review and make appropriate recommendations to the Treasurer or the Executive Committee concerning matters which have been referred to it.

3.At any time, make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning dues issues.

4.Implement 'the indicator' procedures for determining dues discounts and for determining contributions by IPA groups in Eastern Europe to their visiting committees, as outlined in the Procedural Code entry on dues approved by the Board in July 2005.

5.Monitor the impact of the 5% incentive for early payment of dues in 2006 and 2007, and prepare a report on this issue for the Board in July 2007.

The Treasurer has the right to consult the IPA's legal advisers as and when it is considered necessary for the Dues Standing Committee's work. The Committee has a requirement to make recommendations, if requested, in liaison with the Budget and Finance Committee, on dues levels every two years by July of a non-Congress year. On other issues, the Committee has no specific requirement to liaise with the Budget and Finance Committee and the Executive Committee to the Board, but may do so as it judges it appropriate.

Chair and Term: The Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer. Other members of the Committee will be assumed to have submitted their resignations on the change of administration (President and Secretary) in accordance with the Committees section with the IPA's Procedural Code. Additionally, members of the Committee will be assumed to have submitted their resignations on the change of Treasurer.

Appointments: Members of the Committee will be appointment by the President, on advice from the Treasurer. The majority of Members of the Committee shall be drawn from outside the Board.

Approved by the Board in November 2004. Items 4 and 5 revised following the Board meeting in July 2005

Full NamePosition
Dr. Andrea GaddiniMember
Dr. Jonah W. ScheinMember
Lic. Haydée Lea Zac de LevinasMember
Mr. Paul CrakeEx-Officio
Mr. Andrew TwynamEx-Officio