Executive Committee

Functions of the Executive Committee

Composition of the Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee consists of the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer and three Representatives from the Board (one from each Geographical Area). The Executive Committee may, with Board approval, invite the President-Elect and the Vice President-Elect to attend Executive Committee meetings without a vote. The Director General participates without a vote in all Executive Committee meetings except when the Executive Committee meets in executive session. [IPA Rule 7, Section B(1)]

Authority of the Executive Committee
2. Subject to applicable rules, procedures, restrictions, resolutions, and requirements of the Board or of the Constitution and Bylaws, the Executive Committee (i) acts on the Board's behalf between Board meetings and (ii) by vote of two-thirds of its entire voting membership, after seeking advice from all of the Board's voting members may adopt or modify IPA policy. The Board, at its next meeting, shall review Executive Committee minutes and may modify, reject or ratify any Executive Committee action. [IPA Rule 7, Section B(2)]


3. The Executive Committee shall hold at least eight meetings within each twelve month period. A quorum is two-thirds of the Executive Committee's membership of 6 voting members. Thus a quorum is currently 4 members. Meetings may be in person or by telephone conference call or by a comparable (and legally valid) communication means. [IPA Rule 7, Section B(3)]


4. Minutes shall be distributed to all members of the Board within ten (10) business days after each Executive Committee meeting, except when the Board specifies otherwise. [IPA Rule 7, Section B(4)]

Functioning of the Executive Committee
5. The President chairs Executive Committee meetings. The President-Elect chairs Executive Committee meetings in the absence of the President, or the Vice President when there is no President-Elect. Where the President-Elect is chairing an Executive Committee meeting, he/she will have a vote only to make or break a tie. [IPA Rule 8, Section A(1 and 2)]

6. The Vice President, in consultation with the President, and other members, will be in charge of the Agenda. Neither the President nor the Vice President may prevent an item from appearing on the Agenda. Any member of the Board and the Executive Committee may request that a particular item or issue be placed on the Executive Committee's agenda.

7. Any three voting members of the Executive Committee may call a meeting, if necessary, with a minimum notice of two weeks.

Tie Votes
8. In the case of a tie vote, a second vote may be cast by the President. This will be mentioned in the minutes. Any such cases will be placed early on the first day's agenda of the next Board meeting.

The relationship of the Executive Committee and the Board of Representatives
9. The Executive Committee will maintain close contact with the Board between Board meetings in ways the Executive Committee considers appropriate, or the Board determines. The Executive Committee will keep the Board informed of important issues.

Approved by the Executive Council, January 1997

Amended to fit new Executive Committee remit in line with the C&B July 2003

Revision for clarification in terms of the C&B Aug 2005

Revisions to replace C&B with IPA Rules approved by the Executive Committee July 2007

Full NamePosition
Dr. Harriet L. WolfeChair
Prof. Univ. Lesley Kathleen CaldwellMember
Adela L. EscardóMember
Dr. Sergio Eduardo NickMember
Psic. Adriana PrenglerMember
Dr. Britt-Marie SchillerMember
Mr. Paul CrakeEx-Officio