Society Contact Information

Barcelona Institute of Psychoanalysis

Alacant 27, entr C
Barcelona 08022
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 34 932125839
Fax: 34 932125839

The Barcelona Institute of Psychoanalysis (IPB) is the teaching body of the Spanish society of psychoanalysis, which is responsible for training activities, and is recognised by the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) - the international institution that maintains professional and training standards.

Responsibility for training is shared with the Education Commission of the SEP, which is responsible for the admission, follow-up and assessment of the evolution of the candidate in everything concerning the cases it takes on supervision. Founded in 1971, the IPB has trained generations of psychoanalysts, many of them with an important participation in the field of mental health.

For further information please visit the Institute's own website shown above.