Budget & Finance Committee


The Budget and Finance Committee (B&FC) is an advisory committee to the Treasurer and IPA Board. The B&FC helps plans and oversee IPA financial operations, including the following:

  1. The timely assembly of the next year's consolidated budget for the IPA, to permit review by the Executive Committee and the subsequent discussion, modification and ratification by the Board.
  2. Oversight of the year's unfolding expenditures in all cost centres to allow for anticipation and identification of any difficulties, and to alert those responsible as to alternative pathways toward solution.
  3. Out of cycle budget submissions (over x $) should be submitted to the B&FC committee for an advisory opinion.
  4. Through the reports from the Investment Oversight Committee, to review periodically the effective performance of the IPA's professional financial advisors in the investment of reserve funds, on the IPA's cash flow requirements as related to investment policy, and of the appropriateness of the investment policy instructions given to the financial advisors.
  5. Support the Treasurer's obligation as provided in the Rules and various Procedural Codes to oversee the receipt, disbursement, accounting and management of all monies and assets of the IPA, under the Board's direction.

Procedures detailing the budgetary process will be followed as set down in the Procedural Code. The Budget and Finance Committee will be available to the President, to the Executive Committee and to the Board for special assignments to investigate the budgetary and financial aspects of various matters such as any new initiatives.

The B&FC shall be comprised of the IPA Treasurer as Chair, and at least one ordinary member from each IPA geographical region and one Board member from each Region. Ex officio members without votes shall include the President, Vice President, previous Treasurer, Executive Director, and Finance Director. The former Treasurer should become an ex officio member of the Budget & Finance Committee for the same length of term as the new Treasurer (the one who replaces them) chairs it.

The President may designate up to three Consultants ex officio without votes to the B&FC and these persons shall possess particular expertise to warrant such appointment. The IPA Finance Director shall serve as Secretary to the Committee.

In-person Committee meetings shall be held in the autumn once per year in order to accomplish the task of budget construction, as detailed in the Procedural Code. In addition, another in-person meeting shall be held, if necessary, in the Spring to review finances or prepare for transition with new administrations or to use the venue of the biennial International Congresses. Otherwise the Committee shall function by fax, email and telephone conference.

When consultation with the B&FC is not possible and decisions are urgently needed, the IPA Treasurer, President or Vice President may authorize action which will then be reported to the Committee and such report and discussion incorporated into the B&FC minutes.

The Treasurer shall assign such tasks to the Executive Director or Finance Director as necessary to fulfil this Mandate, including but not limited to producing financial reports and furnishing appropriately documented reimbursements as may be detailed in the Procedural Code.

Original approved by the Executive Council, 22nd July 1999.

Revision moving procedural aspects to the Procedural Code approved by the IPA Board January 2012

Inclusion of the previous Treasurer as ex officio approved by the IPA Board January 2013

Full NamePosition
Adela L. EscardóChair
Dra. Anette Blaya LuzMember
Dr. William C. GloverMember
Dr. med. Dimitris James JacksonMember
Dr. med. Dimitris James JacksonMember
Dr. Susan KolodMember
Dr. Michael SebekMember
Lic. Mónica VorchheimerMember
Mr. Paul CrakeEx-Officio
Dr. Henk Jan DalewijkEx-Officio
Mr. Andrew TwynamEx-Officio