Sponsoring Committee - Taiwan Psychoanalytical Society

Sponsoring Committee Mandate

Appointment of a Sponsoring Committee and its mandate After the Board has approved a group as a Study Group, a Sponsoring Committee is appointed by the President with the consent of the Board and on advice from the Chair of ING. The mandate for a Sponsoring Committee is:

  • to visit the Study Group at least twice a year;
  • during the first visit to the Study Group, to thoroughly explain the sponsoring process and procedures within the IPA administrative structure;
  • to establish and conduct a training programme when it is appropriate to do so;
  • to review any training already received by the Study Group members and determine future training requirements to meet IPA criteria;
  • to select and appoint Training Analysts;
  • to select, monitor, progress and graduate candidates from the training programme when it is established;
  • to recommend to the Board such Study Group members as it considers appropriately qualified as IPA Direct Members;
  • to review and approve applications of IPA Members who want to join the Study Group;
  • to approve the list of Study Group IPA Members which will be published in the IPA Roster;
  • to give such advice and assistance as the Study Group may require;
  • to facilitate generally the development of a group so that it will be able to carry out the above and other functions autonomously;
  • to ensure the IPA Members of the Study Group remain members of their Constituent Organisations (and pay their IPA dues through those Constituent Organisations). In exceptional circumstances, where it is not deemed possible for the IPA Members to remain in the Constituent Organisation, the Sponsoring Committee may recommend them for Direct Member status. Those who are already Direct Members (and pay their dues directly to the IPA) must remain as such until the Study Group attains Provisional Society status;
  • to recommend the Study Group for Provisional Society status at the appropriate time;
  • to ensure that the Constitution and Bylaws of the group are adequate and include the authority to enable the Group to expel a group member should the need arise (this is expulsion from the group only and not as an IPA Member);
  • in the early stages of the Group's development the Sponsoring Committee should assist the new group to decide which model it will adopt. The decision should be reached as soon as possible, but must take into account the history and the characteristics of the group.

Authority & responsibility of the Sponsoring Committee When it is first established, the Sponsoring Committee and not the Study Group is authorised to:

  • create and approve the content and procedures of the training programme within the Study Group;
  • select the faculty for the training programme and the candidates for training;
  • monitor candidate progress;
  • approve candidate graduation;
  • appoint Training Analysts and determine all policies affecting them;
  • accept IPA Members of other IPA groups into the Study Group;
  • review and approve all existing rules, policies (including the ethical standards and procedures) and the constitution and bylaws of the Study Group, including any changes proposed to these documents;
  • recommend the Study Group members for IPA Direct Membership;
  • require the Study Group to prepare minutes of significant meetings and copy them to the Sponsoring Committee;
  • require that any individual work of a Sponsoring Committee member with the Study Group should be within the terms agreed by the Sponsoring Committee;
  • recommend the Study Group for Provisional Society status.

Removal of the term "Broomhills", March 2017

Full NamePosition
Dr. Michael J. GundleChair
Prof. Dr. Rudi VermoteMember