Chasing the Revolution

A new film by Lily Ford documents the journey of the remarkable Austro-Argentine psychoanalyst Marie Langer. Featuring fragments of audio and video, and conversations with historians, analysts and her children, it charts a course across continents and through the shifts in Langer’s own thinking.
Available to watch here in English and Spanish

The story of Austro-Argentine psychoanalyst Marie Langer highlights the difficulty of reconciling a ‘psy’ vocation with political activism. Twice an emigrée, Langer brought the critical tools of psychoanalysis to the social and individual problems of her time. This film documents her journeys across different continents and ideological regimes with the help of those who knew her and those who followed in her footsteps.

Director Lily Ford
Production Date 2021



‘Prof. Willy Baranger’ Library and Historical Archive, Argentine Psychoanalytical Association