Film: Just Mercy
Date 2019 , Directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, Starring : Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx

I would like to recommend to the IPA colleagues the film Just mercy.

It the cinematic adaptation of the memoir that the lawyer and civil rights activist Bryan Stevenson published in 2014. Stevenson narrates his commitment to put his legal knowledge, achieved at Harvard University, in the service of poor black people unjustly sentenced to death. Stevenson's professional, ethical and political choice has also
a restitutive meaning, as he, himself, comes from an ancestry of black slaves brought to the US. As a lawyer, he saves hundreds of lives, but the film narrative mostly pivots around the case of Johnny D, whose conviction of murder of a white teen-ager has been constructed on false testimonial evidence by the judiciary. The film, well made and masterly acted, focuses on
the relationship between Stevenson and Johnny D. who articulates his suffering and confusion for the internal colonialization and implantation of negritude as an irremediable fault and guilt. The dialogue between the two protagonists shifts into a mirroring self recognition of identity predicament. A compelling reflection on the interlacing of external and internal reality.

Pina Antinucci, Milan, Italy