1.    Direct Membership assessments:  The Sponsoring Committee must carry out all assessments for Direct Membership and put forward recommendations to the Board in the usual way, using the application form supplied by Broomhills. The information should be acquired from the Director of Training at the Regional Institute where necessary.  Any information that is additionally required should be obtained during visits to the Group.  Final assessment interviews should be carried out by the Sponsoring Committee.

2.    Training:  When the Study Group training programme is satisfactory the Sponsoring Committee should begin to appoint Training Analysts within the group.  

Seminars should be held at the Study Group, but it is accepted that they may not initially be of sufficient quality.  The Sponsoring Committee must carry out all selections and evaluations for progression and IPA Membership.  The Regional Institute may continue to assist with training and candidates may continue to attend the Regional Institute’s seminars.   The teachers from the Regional Institute will pass on evaluations of candidates to the Sponsoring Committee after the seminars have been completed.  

3.    Changing Training Analyst from Institute to Study Group: New candidates in the Study Group should be allocated to a Training Analyst working within the Study Group and not with the Regional Institute.  The Sponsoring Committee, in consultation with the Regional Institute, must agree when the Study Group is ready for this to happen.  However it is important that the continuity of all existing candidates’ training analysis is preserved as much as possible and only changed if absolutely necessary.  

4.    Training Analysts criteria:  Full Training Analysts must have five years of unsupervised psychoanalytic experience.  Temporary Training Analyst status may be given to assist the development of the group and to avoid excessive shuttle analysis, but this should be on a restricted basis, and these are not listed as TA in the IPA roster.  All restrictions must be specifically stated to the analyst prior to approval. The Sponsoring Committee must be content that all those approved for Training Analyst status (including those with restricted training status) are sufficiently qualified to do so.  All new Training Analyst applicants (both restricted and full) must be assessed and approved by the Sponsoring Committee – obtaining relevant information from the Regional Institute where necessary.

5.    Shuttle analysis: Training Analysts are not automatically authorised to carry out shuttle analysis. The Sponsoring Committee must assess all shuttle analysis proposals - obtaining relevant information from the Regional Institute where necessary. Shuttle analysis may only be approved if the development of a group requires it. Although it is assumed that Training Analysts in established institutes of Component or Provisional Societies are able to conduct shuttle training analysis, it is still important to assess the feasibility of the planned shuttle, the psychopathology of the patient, the patient’s adaptability, the proposed setting, the schedule and the number of sessions etc.

Those Training analysts who have been approved by the Sponsoring Committee or Institute for restricted Training Analyst status may not be authorised to carry out Shuttle Analysis.  

Change log
First approved by the Board January 2015
*This change record is for background information only and does not form part of the Procedural Code. If there is any conflict between a statement in the Procedural Code and a statement in this change record, the change record will be disregarded.