Our website is becoming an interactive tool that enables you to share the data we have for our members. Some of the useful tools we have are: 

  • a live roster that allows our members to check their contact details in our database and update any changes due, contact details are only available to IPSO candidates after login.  If you are unsure about your login please write to me [email protected].  You can always opt to keep the email address for our records only if you do not wish to have it published in the roster
  • We have an archive under Events where you can search past events in which IPSO participated as well as future and upcoming events
  • The list of Institutes can be used to search IPSO candidates per region
  • The list of current REPS as well as more info about what do they do and how can you become one of them
  • The VCP area will tell you more about what is it and more importantly, how can you benefit from it including the requirements to participate. Have a look here to find the list of current participating Institutes

IPSO  has a special arrangement for its members to pay a highly discounted subscription to PEP web (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing) this offer has been very successful. IPSO members pay US$65 per annum… more info is available here   In same line, there is a great offer for IPSO candidates with the IJP (International Journal of Psychoanalysis ), a highly discounted subscription is available, US$83 per year...more info is available here   In order to obtain or renew your PEP or IJP subscription at the preferential and highly discounted IPSO rate, IPSO dues must be current after your first year of subscribing.  For any questions please write to me [email protected] 

Some pages are only available to IPSO Candidates and you must login first to gain access to them: IPSO Roster, Scientific contributions, VCP reports and Journals so please do not be discouraged to read through our website, contact me to get a reminder with your login details.

Lastly I would like to remind our REPS in each Institute to send us the list of emails and current candidates when dues are transferred/paid into our account.  More details about dues is available from the Vice President in your region or our Treasurer.

Warm wishes,

Karina Gutierrez


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