2022 Obituaries 

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Gennaro Saragnano

It is with great sadness and condolence that the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (A.I.Psi.) announces that our dearest colleague Gennaro Saragnano passed away. Passionate psychoanalyst, he held many important roles in the IPA and was for us a wonderful colleague, highly respected and esteemed not only for his important contributions to psychoanalysis but also for his warmth and generosity of spirit.  He was Co-Chair for the 2021 Congress Programme Committee and also served for several years on the IPA Publications Committee (as member from 2009 to 2011, then as Chair from 2011 to 2017 and as consultant from 2017 to 2021). He served also as Secretary of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association; fine scholar of psychoanalytic technique and theory, he made many important contributions to psychoanalysis, he organized several conferences overseeing the publication of several books on psychoanalytic theory. As members of Italian Psychoanalytical Association, we address our heartfelt sympathy and sincere thoughts to his family.

Ignazio Cannas, President of Italian Psychoanalytical Association (A.I.Psi.)

Mme Dr. Annette Watillon-Naveau (1931 - 2022)

Dr. Annette Watillon-Naveau était neuropsychiatre et psychanalyste (enfants et adultes). Elle a été la présidente de la Société Belge de Psychanalyse de 1980 à 1982. Elle a été la présidente de la commission d’enseignement en 1984 et de 1986 à 1992. Nombreux de collègues de la SBP ont été en analyse avec elle ou en supervision. Parce qu’elle était parfaitement bilingue elle était très sollicitée et surtout estimée par les collègues Néerlandophones. Elle était spécialisée dans la psychothérapie mère-bébé et elle a introduit l’observation du nourrisson dans la formation des psychanalystes et des psychothérapeutes. Pendant des années elle a organisé des séminaires d’observation du bébé. Elle jouissait d’une grande réputation pour ses observations autour de la problématique du bébé. Elle a publié beaucoup d’articles dans les revues internationales et internationales. Aussi au niveau institutionnel, elle était très active dans l’IPA et la SEPEA (société européenne de psychanalyse de l'enfant et adolescent). Elle a créé l' ABOBB ( Association des Observateurs des bébés). 
Dr. Annette Watillon-Naveau was neuropsychiater en psychoanalytica (kinderen en volwassenen). Zij was voorzitster van de Belgische Vereniging voor Psychoanalyse van 1980 tot 1982 en van de opleidingscommissie in 1984 en van 1986 tot 1992. Veel collega's van de SBP waren bij haar in analyse of in supervisie. Omdat ze perfect tweetalig was, was ze zeer gewild en werd ze vooral gewaardeerd door de Nederlandstalige collega's. Zij specialiseerde zich in moeder-baby-psychotherapie en introduceerde de baby-observatie in de opleiding van psychoanalytici en psychotherapeuten. Jarenlang organiseerde zij seminars over kinderobservatie. Ze had een grote reputatie op het vlak van baby-observatie. Zij publiceerde vele artikelen in internationale en internationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften. Ook op institutioneel niveau was zij zeer actief in de IPA en de SEPEA (European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis). Zij heeft de ABOBB (Vereniging van baby-observators) opgericht.

Dr. Marc Hebbrecht, Président de la Société Belge de Psychanalyse

Johan Cullberg (1934 – 2022)

It is with sadness and deeply felt loss that we have received the news that Johan Cullberg has passed away. Johan turned 88 years old. He has been a member of the Swedish Psychoanalytical Association for many years since 1968 when he, as a newly graduated psychiatrist, was active at a psychiatric clinic in Stockholm. Like many of us, he was inspired to start the psychoanalytic training by an older member who was active there and held much appreciated seminars for the employees. As a psychiatrist, Johan developed a strong humanistic view including his psychoanalytic orientation as an essential part. He wrote early on the highly regarded and widespread book ‘Crisis and Development’ (first Swedish edition was published in 1975 and translated to several languages, however not English). In this book he emphasized the understanding of the psychological significance and vicissitudes of psychological trauma. Here, he laid the foundation for his continued activity in clinical practice, and in his accompanying writing he tirelessly emphasized the importance of the psychological perspective on mental suffering.

Read obituary in full by Johan Schubert and Andrzej Werbart, Swedish Psychoanalytical Association

Dr. Maurice Haber (2 July 1934 - 14 August 2022)

One of our most valued and loved members passed away: Dr. Maurice Haber, past-President of the Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis, training analyst and founder of the Revue Belge de Psychanalyse.

On a hot summer's day in August, Maurice Haber left us in silence. He had not been well for some months and we knew that he was suffering from a serious progressive illness even though some of us had the pleasure of having good exchanges with him during the last year. I speak here on behalf of the members of the Board and all the members of the Belgian Psychoanalytical Society that I represent. I also refer to our many colleagues abroad, who have sent us their condolences. Maurice was an upright and sincere man for whom we always had a lot of respect and esteem and whom I personally appreciated during during my own training and later at the level of the training committee. Read obituary in full.

Dr. Marc Hebbrecht, President of the Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis

Chères collègues, chers collègues,
C’est avec une grande tristesse et une profonde émotion que je vous fais part du décès de notre ex-président, notre maître, notre collègue et notre ami le Dr. Maurice Haber survenu ce dimanche passé (le 14.08.2022). Chacun sait l’importance de ses multiples contributions à la Société Belge de Psychanalyse. Il a publié de nombreux articles et était très respecté non seulement chez nous mais aussi à l'étranger. Il a représenté la psychanalyse belge sur la scène internationale avec beaucoup de courage et d'énergie. Il était le fondateur de la Revue Belge de Psychanalyste. Nous sommes profondément touchés par son décès. Nous présentons nos sincères condoléances à Jacqueline Godfrind et à Murielle Van Thiel.

Au nom de tous les membres du CA, Marc Hebbrecht, Président de la SBP

Antonio Corel MD (23 May 1935 - 14 July 2022)

Dr. A. Corel was a psychoanalyst in private practice in Paris and a member of the Paris (SPP) and the Argentine (APA) societies. He died of Coronavirus. Before becoming an analyst, he was an extremely well known and highly esteemed medical doctor and researcher in Argentina. His analyst in Argentina was Rebeca Grinberg. In 1976 he became a psychoanalyst of the APA with a wonderful paper on construction in Freud’s work at a time when that concept was not widely used or recognised. In his approach history is constructed in the psychoanalytic process. After leaving Argentina and taking up residence in Paris, he became a member of the SPP.

Read full obituary from Dieter Bürgin (Swiss Psychoanalytical Society)

Danielle Doiron (11 mai 1958 – 8 juin 2022)

In Montreal, on June 8, 2022, at the age of 64, Mrs. Danielle Doiron, wife of Mr. Richard Comtois passed away. She is survived by her children Annie-Claude (Benoit), Pierre-Olivier (Alexandra) and Alexandre, her grandchildren François, Pierre-Étienne and Olivier, her aunt Hilda and other relatives and friends. Your sympathies can be shown by a donation to the Breast Cancer Foundation. If you want to send flowers, ask for an arrangement in shades of white and green to create harmony. danielle-doiron-may-11-1958-june-8-2022

Christian Seulin (1955-2022)

It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of Christian Seulin on Monday April 25, 2022, at the age of 67. As a psychiatrist, he joined the SPP in 1996, became full member in 2005, and then training analyst. He was very active within the Lyonnais Group (GPLRA), he was its Chairman twice, then Director of the Institut de Lyon from 2021 to 2022, until the end, despite illness. He also held various responsibilities at the SPP, including  Secretary of the CECE and Chair of the Nominations Commission from 2018 to 2020. On a scientific level, he was a researcher for the CPLF in 2015, on "the emergence and transformations of infantile sexuality in treatment". He has published numerous articles and chapters, in particular in the Revue Française de Psychanalyse, the latest in 2019. We extend our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues, and especially to his wife, our colleague Françoise Seulin.

Société Psychanalytique de Paris Clarisse Baruch, President, and Anne Rosenberg, General Secretary

Christian Seulin  died from cancer on 25th April 2022. As an esteemed colleague and friend I was shocked and greatly saddened by his untimely death. Christian made many important contributions to psychoanalysis as a training and supervising analyst of the SPP and the EPF.  I will just mention here his participation between 2009 and 2017 on the IPA Publications Committee, where I had the privilege of getting to know him and work with him. We worked together in the Publications committee, under the chairmanship of Gennaro Saragnano.  The work of the Committee involved discussing book proposals and supporting authors; as well as planning and editing books that the committee thought were relevant to analysts worldwide. Together with Gennaro Saragnano, Christian co-edited two books:  On Freud's "On Beginning the Treatment" - Contemporary Freud, Turning Points and Critical Issues and “Playing and Reality” Revisited: a new look at Winnicott’s Classic Work.    We then edited together “On Freud’s The Uncanny”. During our work as co-editors I was able to experience Christian’s  great capacity to listen and to consider different perspectives and points of view. He communicated a sense of solidity and friendliness in all our discussions. I found him to be immensely knowledgeable, and profoundly sympathetic to the struggles of the authors we were dealing with. His warmth, thoughtfulness and liveliness was an important contribution to the good working experience we had in the group. He will be deeply missed by his family, friends, ex-patients and by the many colleagues round the world who had the opportunity and privilege of working with him.

Catalina Bronstein on behalf of the IPA Publications Committee

Carole Levaque

It is with profound sadness and heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear colleague and friend Carole Levaque on Wednesday May 11, 2022. She will be profoundly missed by the psychoanalytic community, her family and many friends all around the world. Additional information will be announced as it becomes available from the family.
C’est avec une profonde tristesse et le cœur lourd que nous vous annonçons le décès de notre chère collègue et amie Carole Levaque le mercredi 11 mai 2022. Elle manquera beaucoup à la communauté psychanalytique, à sa famille et à de nombreux amis partout dans le monde. Des informations supplémentaires seront annoncées au fur et à mesure qu’elles seront disponibles auprès de la famille.

Société psychanalytique de Montréal (SPM)

Jean-Paul Moreigne

The President, the Board and the Members of the Psychoanalytic Research and Training Society are saddened to announce the death of their friend and colleague Jean-Paul Moreigne, Psychoanalyst, founding member of the SPRF on April 21, 2022.We pay tribute to the man of culture, warm, loyal, supporter of humor and tolerance, the open-minded psychoanalyst fully engaged in his practice and in the history of the analytic movement.

Nous avons la tristesse de vous annoncer le décès d'un des membres fondateur et  honoraires de la SPRF, M. jean-Paul Moreigne.  La Présidente, Le Bureau et les Membres de la Société Psychanalytique de Recherche et de Formation ont la tristesse d’annoncer le décès de leur ami et collègue Jean-Paul Moreigne, Psychanalyste, membre fondateur de la SPRF le 21 avril 2022. Nous rendons hommage à l’homme de culture, chaleureux, loyal, partisan de l'humour et de la tolérance, le psychanalyste ouvert et pleinement engagé dans sa pratique et dans l’histoire du mouvement analytique.Nous pensons tout particulièrement à sa famille à qui nous présentons nos plus sincères condoléances.

Société Psychanalytique de Recherche et de Formation

Edna Vilete

The Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro communicates with great regret the passing of our dear Edna Vilete on April 11th. Edna has always represented the spirit of our society. Active, affective and deeply dedicated to the psychoanalytic cause.  Through her enthusiasm, she was responsible for the dissemination of psychoanalysis throughout Brazil.  Companion, kind and bearer of ample and deep knowledge, she will forever follow as a source of inspiration and example.  Our deepest support to her family members.  SPRJ lives a moment of pain and mourning.  Rest in peace dear Edna with the certainty that her work was fully accomplished.

José Alberto Zusman President of the Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro, the entire Board of Directors and members of our society

Dr. Masahisa Nishizono

Dr. Masahisa Nishizono, a longstanding member of the JPS and IPA who had led Japan’s psychoanalytic world for so many years, passed away peacefully yesterday, on April 19th.
Born in 1928, Dr. Nishizono served as President of JPS from 1992 to 2008, and has remained our Society’s Honorary Member. As the leading figure in Japanese psychoanalysis, he helped strengthen Japan’s presence in global psychoanalysis, and was especially active in establishing strong ties with other Asian countries, most notably, South Korea.
He continued his psychoanalytic practice well into his 90s, and was deeply loved and respected by his colleagues and patients alike for his wisdom, warmth and dedication to his work. We will all miss him dearly, especially in the current unsettling circumstances throughout the world.

Toko Igarashi, Japan Psychoanalytic Society

Alfred Dumitrescu 

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague Alfred Dumitrescu (May 12, 1955 - February 10, 2022), psychologist, psychoanalyst, former president (3 terms) of the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, member of the Ethics Commission and the Training Committee of our Society, an extraordinary clinician with a remarkable institutional and team spirit.
The psychoanalytic community has therefore lost a keystone of the Romanian psychoanalytic movement. 
Alfred Dumitrescu had an unwavering devotion to psychoanalysis, to the profession of psychoanalyst and to the activities of the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, and his openness and participation in numerous events of the European Federation of Psychoanalysis and the International Psychoanalytic Association provided an opportunity to strengthen connection with the great psychoanalysis.
We will deeply miss his inner strength, the support he provided in every difficult human, collegial and institutional situation, his lively and healthy humor, the keen eye, his right words, his bright mind, his vitality, the ability to create connections, to spread his knowledge, to be where he was most needed, and many others qualities for which we already were grateful to him for over 30 years.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Romanian Psychoanalytical Society

Manuela Utrilla

From the Executive Board of the APM, we would like to express our deep sorrow over the loss of our beloved Manuela Utrilla.
Manuela was a great psychoanalyst and a great person, an example of creativity, love of knowledge, and passion for psychoanalysis. She was a tireless worker and a dedicated advocate for the ideals that she believed in and transmitted to those around her with enthusiasm and generosity. She embarked on, and embarked us on, An Odyssey of Thought, which would allow Weaving Dreams, eventually landing in a port where “wisdom emerges when the love of knowledge and the knowledge of love unite”, in the words of Raimon Panikkar, which she made her own when her book An Odyssey of Thought was published.
Remembering together the beautiful and profound words she so generously shared with us, and which could not help but move those who heard them, we recall her final statement in the tribute offered to her by the APM. Manuela said: “Without limits, there is no thought, without thought there is no freedom, and without freedom there is no love”. We believe that Manuela is one of those human beings who leave a deep footprints in those of us who had the pleasure and good fortune to know her, listen to her, and learn from her, and in those footprints we can continue walking together.
Many thanks, dear Manuela, for your important legacy. 

Mercedes Puchol, President of Madrid Psychoanalytical Association

I don’t know if there is any task more painful and at the same time more comforting than composing an emotional memory of someone as beloved as Manuela was. She left us on 4 February 2022 with the serenity, courage and wisdom that marked her professional and personal history, leaving a great void   in our hearts and in the institutional life of the APM. I will try to present a brief portrait of her professional life, which will be inevitably incomplete and panoramic, since it was so wide and versatile. After completing her studies in medicine at the Complutense University in Madrid and following a brief period with Lopez Ybor, she decided to continue her training outside of Spain, where there were other opportunities and a different social and cultural atmosphere.  Milagros Cid [ Read full obituary: A generous and fertile Delta of life ]  

Fred Pine

It is with great sadness that I share the news of the passing of Fred Pine from cancer at home on Friday 7 January at the age of 90. I write on behalf of my colleagues at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute to express our deep regret over his loss and our condolences to his international colleagues.
Fred studied at the City College of New York and earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University. He was a graduate of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and a prominent member of the Separation-Individuation Study written up by Mahler, Pine, and Berman in 1975. Fred acted as teaching faculty and clinical consultant for the Contemporary Freudian Track at NYU. He was, himself, one of the most individuated thinkers of our time, with close to 70 published works that highlighted his capacity for complex synthesizing and integrating in both the world of theory and clinical practice. Fred’s most recent article was published in JAPA only weeks before his death. The article, “A Personal Odyssey Through Psychoanalytic Process and Presence,” is a “must read” for anyone who seeks a model for how to close a practice with humanity, humility, and transparency, while keeping the patient’s needs foremost. Read full obituary
Wendy Olesker, Ph.D, New York Psychoanalytic Institute