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Jean Claude Rolland (1941-2024)

Antes de ser aquel que parte.
A Jean Claude Rolland (1941-2024).
Por Fernando Urribarri 
Miembro de la Asociacion Psicoanalitica Argentina. 

Jean Claude Rolland fue medico, psiquiatra, psicoanalista. Fue presidente de la Asociacion Psicoanalitica de Francis y co-editor junto a Catherine Chabert de la revista  Libres Cahiers pour la psychanalyse (2001-2017). Ademas fue autor de una obra en la que se reveló como uno de los mas brillantes autores del psicoanálisis francés de su generación. Al menos esa es la impresión que transmitían los mas destacados autores de la generación anterior, como Andre Green o J-B. Pontalis. 
La ultima vez que encontré a J.B.Pontalis fue en su pequeña oficina en Gallimard (Ver Urribarri, F. Apres Lacan: le retour a la clinique”, Itaque). Después de varias horas de animada conversación sobre su obra, abordamos su legendario trabajo como editor de la colección “Connaisance de l’Inconscient” en la que editó a los clásicos como Freud, Winnicott, y Bettelheim, así como a sus contemporáneos M. Kahn, H. Searles, A.Green y J. McDougall. Le pregunté si sentía un orgullo similar por la publicación de algún libro de un autor mas joven. Al instante se puso de pie, tomó de un estante “Avant d’être celui qui parle” (Antes de ser aquel que habla) y sonriendo me lo dio de regalo.
Desde el comienzo de nuestra relación Andre Green solía preguntarme por mis lecturas del momento, así como comentar las suyas que lo entusiasmaban. En cierta ocasión, a fines de los años 90, me habló de Jean Claude, elogiando su articulo en el volumen colectivo “Que decir del significante?”. “Tenés que leerlo”, me dijo, y para enfatizar su recomendación me regaló aquella publicación. 
Otro recuerdo clave con Andre Green. Como lo consigna en el Prefacio a su libro “Ideas directrices para un psicoanálisis contemporáneo”(2002) este se basó en una serie de entrevistas que realizamos juntos durante una intensa semana de trabajo en septiembre de 2001. Puedo dar testimonio de la importancia personal que esta obra tenia para su autor. También en el prefacio el cuenta que el desafío para intentar realizar una version actualizada del “Esquema de psicoanálisis” se lo lanzó su antiguo amigo J-B. El resultado fue una suerte de díptico: por un lado una cartografía de los cambios y desafios de la practica analítica que caracteriza el nuevo territorio de lo contemporáneo en psicoanálisis. Por el otro una vision panorámica y sintética de las principales ideas propias desarrolladas hasta entonces, ofrecidas a las siguientes generaciones como contribución para la construcción de un nuevo paradigma. ¿A quien está dedicado este escrito apasionado, a la vez testamento y manifiesto por el futuro del psicoanálisis? A Jean Claude Rolland. 
Unos años antes tuve la suerte de conocer a JC compartiendo un pequeño grupo internacional de investigación sobre la función del analista en la clinica con estructuras no-neuróticas, según diversas corrientes. Creado y presidido (chairman) por Andre Green, otros de sus ocho miembros eran Otto Kernberg y Liz Bot Spilluz (directora del Archivo Melanie Klein de la sociedad británica de psicoanálisis). Nos reunimos dos veces por año, tres dias, durante cuatro años. Cada vez un colega pre-circulaba un articulo con sus ideas y luego presentaba un material clinico, que se discutia palabra por palabra desde todos los ángulos imaginables. La presentación de JC fue sin duda memorable para todos en el grupo. Una de las sesiones con un analizante psicótico, en cara a cara, devino la referencia a la que mas volvimos durante toda la investigación. El momento clave de dicha sesión consiste en un movimiento en el que el analista se “distrae” con sus propios pensamientos, se olvida por un momento del paciente, y cuando vuelve a prestarle atención se aterroriza al verlo con un rostro monstruoso, amenazador, de vampiro. Con gran esfuerzo el analista logra mantener la calma y se dice “Es solo un sueño. Tranquilo”. Llega a comprender que su experiencia contra-transferencial es una expresión de un fantasma latente, sado-masoquista, a la vez erótico y tanático, que define la relación analítica en ese momento. 
El pensamiento clinico de JC resulta de un modo singular y creativo de poner a trabajar una metapsicologia freudiana “revisitada” (según una lectura profunda y personal) en el campo de la psicosis. Otro recuerdo imborrable de aquellas reuniones grupales fue cuando formuló uno de sus principios rectores de su escucha analítica: “hay que encontrar la escena libidinal detrás del trauma. Y viceversa”. Es la exigencia de aunar un máximo de complejidad y de sutileza. 
Por el modo en que JC daba a entender la dinámica de aquella sesión -sin atribuir su “visión” a la proyección del paciente- le comenté su afinidad con el estilo clinico derivado de la teoria del “campo analítico inter-subjetivo” de Willy y Made Baranger. La grata sorpresa fue que JC no la conocía pero se interesó mucho y me propuso reunirnos aparte para hablar sobre ella. Desde la primera reunión una corriente de afinidad intelectual y simpatía se había establecido entre nosotros, a pesar de la diferencia de nuestras edades (o quizás gracias a ella: JC fue siempre mas un joven curioso que un sabio anciano venerable). Pero aquel tiempo de a dos que empezamos a compartir en cada reunión dio lugar a una profunda amistad, y a un dialogo sobre el psicoanálisis que proseguimos hasta el presente. Desde el comienzo recuerdo que me impresiono su lectura original de las ideas de Jean Francois Lyotard sobre lo figural, que el supo apropiarse y desarrollar teórica y clinicamente de un modo inspirado y riguroso, y que constituye para mi uno de los hilos conductores que recorre y teje lo mejor de sus escritos acerca de la dimensión “visionaria” -según su expresión- del ser humano. Luego leer sus manuscritos y conversarlos fue un aprendizaje invalorable. También la experiencia de publicar un escrito mio en su revista “Libre Cahiers Pour la Psychanalyse”, en la que me obsequio numerosas reflexiones acerca del contenido y del estilo. En cada ocasión pude apreciar no solo la inteligencia prodigiosa que animaba un pensamiento clinico extraordinario, sino la maravillosa calidez humana que impulsaba su generosidad. Tuvimos la suerte también de compartir sus visitas a Sudamerica, en donde su estilo singular de pensar y practicar el psicoanálisis supo dejar su huella. 
Tuve la suerte de poder retribuirle un poco al acercar sus libros a las Editions d’Itaque. 
Fernando Urribarri. 
Buenos Aires 21, 04, 2024.
Miembro de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina. 

Augusto Escribens Trisano 

Augusto Escribens Trisano nació en el Callao el 17 de enero de 1945. Estudió Lingüística y Literatura en la UNMSM. Luego, estudio una maestría en Universidad de Cornell, donde optiene un Master in Arts con mención en Lingüística. Escribens fue becario destacado de la Ford Foundation. Autor de diversas publicaciones como Gramática del Quechua de Huaylas. Se formó como psicoanalista en el Instituto de Psicoanálisis de la SPP donde fue miembro titular y analista en función didacta, así como también docente.
Ha publicado un sinfin de artículos sobre teoría y técnica psicoanalítica en diversas revistas. Ganó el premio Ciro Martyns por un poemario que se incluye en esta publicación.

Con mucha tristeza y pesar, en nombre de la Sociedad Peruana de Psicoanálisis, y de la familia de nuestro querido Augusto Escribens, compartimos la noticia de su fallecimiento el día domingo 9 de junio de 2024.
Extrañaremos mucho su amistad, sabiduría, alegría y sentido del humor; nos hará mucha falta, su legado nos acompañará siempre. Agradecemos su vida y sus aportes creativos y originales al psicoanálisis. 
Graciela Cardó, President Peru Psychoanalytic Society

Dana Birksted-Breen
Vic Sedlak, President of the British Psychoanalytical Society has written to say:
It is with great sadness that I write to let the international psychoanalytical community  know of the passing of our dear colleague Dana Birksted-Breen on the morning of Saturday 1st of June.

Cathy Bronstein, a past President of our Society has written:  Dana was an immensely creative analyst. Her contributions to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis will have a lasting influence on many analysts throughout the world. She was an outstanding editor of the New Library of Psychoanalysis and of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. She will be remembered as a great analyst and will be surely missed by her patients, supervisees, colleagues and friends.  I will greatly miss her.

Francis Grier who succeeded Dana as Editor of the International Journal has written:  Through her 15 years of editing the International Journal as well as the New Library, Dana Birksted-Breen was probably the most experienced and influential psychoanalytic editor in the world. Self-effacing almost to a fault, she was particularly generous in promoting others, especially in helping authors to improve their submissions to a standard of which they hadn't realised they were capable. Her own papers were marked by a special blend of creative imagination and sensitivity allied with an extraordinary grasp of the theories of classical and contemporary psychoanalysis. This is a sad day for the Journal and her colleagues, past and present, to whom she dedicated so much attention and affection.

Francis and Catherine Humble, the Executive Editor of the IJP add: We are of course immensely glad that Dana was able to attend the IJP Conference we organised in her honour in January, and to contribute so actively and creatively throughout the day. The papers from the conference and Dana's own thoughts will be published in a forthcoming issue, which will of course be dedicated to the memory of one of the greatest editors in the history of the International Journal.
Harriet Wolfe, the IPA President in an email to the members of the British Society writes:
As evidenced by the outpouring of respect from her peers, Dr. Birksted-Breen was more than just a brilliant mind. Her contributions as Editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis for fifteen years and her keen eye for excellence elevated the Journal's reputation and enriched the discourse of psychoanalysis worldwide. Her creativity as an analyst and her dedication as editor of both the New Library of Psychoanalysis and the International Journal of Psychoanalysis has left a lasting impact on countless scholars and practitioners.  Dr. Birksted-Breen will be deeply missed by all who knew her.  We can take comfort in knowing that her work will continue to shape the future of psychoanalysis.

Sudhir Kakar (1938 - 2024)
We have two obituaries for Dr Kakar: one from the president of his home Society, the Indian Psychoanalytical Society (IPS); and one from his German colleague, Martin Kämpchen. Read both below.
Obituary Address, by Dr Nilanjna Sanyal, President, Indian Psychoanalytical Society
Sudhir Kakar, a pioneering Indian psychoanalyst, novelist, and author renowned for his work in cultural psychology and the psychology of religion, passed away on 22 April 2024 at the age of 85. Born on 25 July 1938 in Nainital, Uttarakhand, Kakar's early life was marked by his experiences in both India and Pakistan during the partition. His formative years included education at Modern School, New Delhi, and St. Edward's School, Shimla, followed by studies in mechanical engineering at Gujarat University. Kakar furthered his education in Europe, earning a master's equivalent in business administration from the University of Mannheim and a doctorate in economics from the University of Vienna.
Kakar's journey into psychoanalysis began at the University of Frankfurt's Sigmund Freud Institute in 1971. Upon returning to India in 1975, he established a psychoanalytic practice in Delhi and briefly headed the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology. His illustrious career included teaching positions at prestigious institutions such as Harvard, the University of Chicago, McGill, Melbourne, Hawaii, and Vienna, among others.
A resident of Goa since 2003, Kakar continued his practice in Benaulim while serving as a Visiting Professor at Goa University. His controversial stance on the death penalty for child rape in 2018 sparked significant debate, highlighting his complex and sometimes contentious views on societal issues.
Kakar's scholarly contributions include profound analyses of figures such as Swami Vivekananda, Mohandas Gandhi, and Ramakrishna, exploring the interplay between psychoanalysis and mysticism. His novel "Ecstasy" delved into the spiritual landscape of India, capturing the essence of its mysticism. Despite critiques from peers like Alan Roland, Kakar's work remains influential in understanding the psychological dimensions of spirituality.
His personal spirituality was a blend of profound connections with people, nature, art, and music, shaped by the contrasting influences of his rationalistic father and religious mother.
Kakar's accolades include the Boyer Prize for Psychological Anthropology, the Order of Merit from Germany, the Distinguished Service Award from the Indo-American Psychiatric Association, and the Goethe Medal. He was recognized as one of the world's major thinkers by Le Nouvel Observateur and one of the key thinkers for the 21st century by Die Zeit. Oxford University Press's series "Great Thinkers of Modern Asia" is set to feature four volumes of his essays.
Sudhir Kakar is survived by his wife Katharina, a German writer and scholar, and his two children, Rahul and Shveta. His legacy in the fields of psychoanalysis and cultural psychology endures, leaving an indelible mark on the understanding of human behavior and spirituality.
Dr. Nilanjana Sanyal, M.A., Ph.D M.I.P.S., M.I.P.A.(UK)
President, Indian Psychoanalytical Society

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Martin Kämpchen

His calm, even-tempered, and balancing presence will be sorely missed in India's cultural landscape. Especially in these troubled times, with elections looming and politics raising its fists, his essays in leading newspapers and magazines would have helped to understand the psychological and cultural underpinnings of this noisy surface. But he also leaves a wide gap in the Indian-German dialog, which he led for decades. Sudhir Kakar, born in 1938 in what is now Pakistan, was by no means destined for these roles at first. Like all ambitious fathers who have the welfare of their sons and daughters in mind, Sudhir's father first sent him to study engineering, then he became a business graduate by studying in Mannheim. This marked the beginning of his turn to Germany, but also to psychoanalysis. In his biography The Soul of Others, he explains how an encounter with Erik Erikson, the German-American psychoanalyst, led him to his second and real career: psychoanalysis. A stay at the Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt led him to become a psychoanalyst based in New Delhi. At that time, this discipline was still completely new and unfamiliar to Indian psychologists. Kakar specialized in researching the psyche of Indian fathers and especially mothers and discovered that their psychological structure differed markedly from their European role models. The archetypes and role models in India were myths such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, and Sudhir Kakar explored ways of helping his patients to heal them with the help of these myths. Read full obituary (in English and German)26.04.2024 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Dr. Asher Wilner
On Saturday April 20, 2024, surrounded by his family, after a long struggle with dementia. Adoring husband of Dr. Deborah Zack Wilner for almost fifty years. Devoted father of Joshua (Anne), Daniel, and Benjamin (Elizabeth). Proud Zaida of the newest addition to the family, Baby Wilner, born April 11, 2024. Doting Zaida of his beloved grand-dog, Lady. Dear brother and brother-in-law of Eric and Claire-Jehanne, Lillian and the late Sheldon, and the late David and the late Ellie. Dear brother-in-law of Martin (Pam), and the late Elisse. He will be sadly missed by his family, friends, colleagues, and former patients. The family would like to thank the staff at the Jewish General Hospital, who cared for him during his final days. Special thanks to the staff at the Donald Berman Jewish Eldercare Centre for their extraordinary care over the last year. Funeral service from Paperman & Sons, 3888 Jean Talon St. W., on Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 11 am. Burial at the Beth-El Cemetery, Eternal Garden, 33 Elm Ave., Pointe-Claire. The family will be receiving guests Sunday and Monday evening, and for a Shiva on Tuesday evening, when Passover comes to an end, at 376 Redfern Ave, #12, in Westmount, 7-9 p.m. each day. Contributions may be made in Asher’s memory to The Jewish Hospital of Hope Eldercare Foundation at 514- 738-4500 ext. 2124.
Dr. Asher Wilner - Funeral Information, Obituary, Condolences - Papermans & Sons, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Mario Torres Pereyra (1941-2024)

Mario Torres was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, member of the Uruguayan Psychoanalytical Association.
He worked intensely as an analyst in his clinical practice and also participated actively in institutional life, through his insertion in commissions and study and work groups. Read full obituary
Mario Torres fue médico psiquiatra y psicoanalista, miembro de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay.
Trabajó intensamente como analista en su práctica clínica y participó también activamente de la vida institucional, a través de su inserción en comisiones y grupos de estudio y trabajo. Leer obituario completo
Uruguayan Psychoanalytical Association

Harold P. Blum, MD (1929 – 2024) 

IRED Committee and IRED Contributors deeply mourn the passing of our distinguished senior member of the North American and Inter-Regional Editorial Boards, an esteemed colleague and a dear friend – Harold Blum - a giant among psychoanalysts and among men, a humanist to the core.  We were very fortunate to have him, right from the start, among our most prolific contributors. 
Harold was the Past Vice-President of IPA, Former Executive Director of Freud Archives of the Library of (US) Congress, Past Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA), the President of the Psychoanalytic Research and Development Fund of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and Distinguished Fellow of American Psychiatric Association. He authored more than 200 scientific papers, authored or edited more than 10 books, and received many awards and lectureships including the inaugural Sigourney Award, the Mahler, Hartmann and Lorand prizes, the Sigmund Freud lectures in New York, London, Vienna, and Frankfurt; the Anna Freud, Hartmann, Brill, Sperling and Blackman lectures; he gave two Plenary Addresses to the American Psychoanalytic Association, Chaired five symposia on Psychoanalysis and Art in Florence, Italy;  Co-Chaired (with Eva Papiasvili) the historical Post-IPA Congress symposium “Psychological Birth and Infant Development” in Freud’s birthplace, the town of Pribor, Czech Republic; and Co-Chaired (with Sophie de Mijolla) the international Symposium “Parent-Infant Disturbance: Theory and Therapy “in Paris, France. 
Read full obituary  by Eva D. Papiasvili, for the IRED Committee and Contributors

Olga Panopoulou - Maratou (1943-2024)

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the death of Olga Panopoulou -Maratou, training analyst, and former director of training  of the Hellenic Psychoanalytic Society in Athens, Greece. Dr. Maratou obtained her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Special Education at the University of Geneva under the supervision of Jean Piaget. She then worked as a clinical psychologist and as a researcher in the Department of Child Psychiatry at St. Mary’s Hospital in London, England. 
After returning to Athens, Greece, she was a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Special Education at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. In addition, she worked in a supervisory capacity in public and private organizations serving children with autism. 
Her colleagues, students and friends will remember her for her significant commitment to the field of psychoanalysis, her care for her patients, the transmission of psychoanalytic thought and practice, as well as her interest in research. 
She is survived by a daughter, a son and two grandsons.
On behalf of the executive council of the Hellenic Psychoanalytic Society. 
Christos Zervis, M.D.President 

Baljeet Kaur Mehra (1929-2023)
Baljeet Kaur Mehra was one of the most outstanding psychoanalytic clinicians and teachers of her generation.  She was also a wonderful person.  Those who knew her in her various capacities over the years remark on her beauty, elegance, sense of humour, the range and depth of her intellectuall and cultural interests, her generosity, and capacity for tenderness and affection.  She was also tough-minded, had an unwavering commitment to truth, and could be a rebel.  Always modest, she published little, but her contribution to training others was immense.
Born Baljeet Malhotra in 1929 she entered a well-known academic, political, and creative Sikh family.   Her father, Niranjan Singh, was a Professor of Chemistry, College Principal, writer, and novelist, as well as being a leading Nationalist.  Engaged in Sikh politics, he was “thoroughly opposed to British rule in India” and so deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s appeal for non-cooperation with the British colonial  government when he first met Gandhi in 1920,  that he preferred homespun khadi to western clothes to the end of his life.  Even if their politics differed, he shared his commitment to the Sikh cause with his brother, Master Tara Singh, who was a central figure nationally in fighting for Sikh rights and identity.  Read full obituary here
Ken Robinson, British Psychoanalytical Society

Marvin Margolis

Marvin Margolis, M.D., Ph.D. was the heart and soul and leading light of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute, Society and Foundation.  He was a steadying, tireless force and an innovative leader who inspired us to follow his commitment to bettering the lives of others. Countless individuals from across the world have been helped by him over his long lifetime as beloved and respected leader, teacher, analyst, consultant, friend. 
A memorial will be held (online and in -person) to remember and appreciate his contributions to psychoanalysis locally, nationally, and internationally.
Date: 24th February, 2:00-4:00 pm 
Venue: Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute, Society and Foundation 
Online: Zoom Meeting link Meeting ID: 945 4423 5124 
Contact: Harvey Falit - [email protected] or Nancy Kulish - [email protected] .

Saul Peña (August 23, 1932 - December 4, 2023)
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Saúl Peña on December 4, 2023.
Thinking of Saúl Peña elicits gratitude. Soon, it will be the 44th anniversary of the Peruvian Society of Psychoanalysis, an institution that, thanks to his strength, passion, and drive, he co-founded with two colleagues, Max Hernández and Carlos Crisanto.
The sadness of his departure finds solace in remembering his love for psychoanalysis, his love for life, and the great legacy he leaves not only to psychoanalysts and psychotherapists but to our country as well.
Those of us who had the honor of knowing him carry the imprint of his teachings, his courage, his intuition, and his interest in human beings. We are thankful for him embodying the art of living.
The best tribute is to remember him as he recalled his origins and trajectory. Here is a brief account of Saúl: Read full obituary by Graciela Cardó, President of SPP

Eduardo Gastelumendi (1 April 1957 - 9 January 2024)
It is my duty to inform you with great sadness and regret, on behalf of the Peruvian Society of Psychoanalysis and the family, that our beloved Eduardo Gastelumendi passed away today at 8:00 am. He left us in peace and enlightenment. We are grateful for his life, and for his contributions to psychoanalytic institutions in Peru and in the world. We will miss him greatly, we will be comforted by his legacy.
Expresamos nuestras condolencias a la familia del Dr. Eduardo Gastelumendi, fallecido aye, 9 enero 2024. Él fue un gran soporte para muchos sobrevivientes de abuso eclesial, en especial, víctimas del Sodalicio. Un profesional de primer nivel, reconocido por su trabajo y su calidad personal.
Graciela Cardó, President of SPP