Florence Guignard and Ruggero Levy talk about the Infantile
Moderator: Virginia Ungar
This webinar will be in English.
Panellists: Florence Guignard, Ruggero Levy
Organiser: Eleana Mylona
Deeply rooted in Freud’s discoveries of the infantile drives and the infantile neurosis vs the transference neurosis, Florence Guignard proposes a totally original concept of the Infantile from a metapsychological point of view, as being an active and everlasting part of every adult. What is the use of the concept of the Infantile from a technical point of view in the analytic field? What are the consequences of the encounter between the analysand’s and the analyst’s Infantile in the transference situation? In particular, we shall follow the saga of the analyst when they are falling into a blind spot, and we shall consider if such a blind spot could represent an exceptional opportunity to bring to light and to symbolization a consistent and unconscious internal object relationship expressed in the transference. We shall also examine the analyst’s defences, and their consequences, in the quality of the interpretations proposed to the patient.
We will be talking about this and much more in this Webinar, come join us!
Florence Guignard
Past Vice-President and Training Analyst of the SPP. Training Member of IPA for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis. Past Chair and present Counsellor of the IPA COCAP. Founded the APE in 1984, and the SEPEA in 1994. Chaired the team of l’Année Psychanalytique Internationale/IJP. Swiss and French, Clinical psychologist, Searcher and Psychoanalyst.
Published 4 books: “Au Vif de l’Infantile” 1996, “Épître à l’objet” 1997, both translated in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish. “Quelle Psychanalyse pour le XXIe siècle?” 2015, translated into English in 2019: “Psychoanalytic concepts and Technique in Development. Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience and Physics.” “Au vif de l’Infantile, aujourd’hui” 2020, translated into English in 2021: “The Infantile in Psychoanalytic Practice today” Routledge, IPA Coll. 2 books to be issued in 2022: “Le psychanalyste dans la cité” and “Autobiographie”. Issued more than 200 psychoanalytical papers in French, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish Psychoanalytical Reviews and in collective books in French, English and German
Ruggero Levy
Psychoanalyst, Full Member and Training Analyst of the Psychoanalytic Society from Porto Alegre (SPPA), Brazil; Former President of SPPA; Chair of the IPA Working Parties Committee; Keynote paper/Major Lecture at the 50th IPAC in Buenos Aires, 2017; Ex-IPA Board Member from 2011-2013 and from 2013-2015; Professor and supervisor of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in the Courses of Specialization on Children, Adolescent and Adult Psychotherapy; Author of many book chapters and scientific papers published in regional, national and international psychoanalytic reviews.