IPA Book Event: The Astonishing Adolescent Upheaval in Psychoanalysis Webinar
Saturday 29 June | 4PM - 5:30PM (London time)
This book event brings together international contributors to share insight from their theoretical and clinical work with adolescents, considering the different psychopathological responses they see in adolescent patients and how these can be worked with in analysis.
Each chapter in the book addresses a specific topic, focusing on representing the clinical realities facing psychoanalysts in treating adolescents with different types of disturbances at the psychic level. They cover a range of situations and perspectives, including discussion of maternal violence, the erotic field, self-mutilation, and social withdrawal, with a core focus on issues affecting contemporary adolescents. Bringing together a vast range of experience, The Astonishing Adolescent Upheaval in Psychoanalysis presents a new approach which re-establishes the impact of the responses of significant objects in the impasses present in narcissistic suffering. This book will be of great interest to all psychoanalytic and psychodynamic clinicians working with adolescents.
The book The Astonishing Adolescent Upheaval in Psychoanalysis is of great interest to any clinical psychoanalyst confronted with the issue of adolescence in the 21st century. Through different perspectives, renowned psychoanalysts of contemporary adolescence present the psychoanalytic tools they use when facing clinical situations that go beyond the emotional turmoil that is expected for this period of life.
Edited By Roosevelt Cassorla, Silvia Flechner. Click here for the book
Members and Candidates qualify for a 30% discount all IPA books.
François Ladame, MD
Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist, currently in private practice in Geneva.
Training analyst of the Swiss Psychoanalytical Society.
Past Professor of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, and Head of the units for adolescents and young adults, Department of Psychiatry, Geneva University Hospitals. Past member of the IPA House of Delegates and IPA Board. Co-founder with Moses Laufer of the EPF Forum on Adolescent Psychoanalysis.
Last book published: “Tous masos?”, Paris, Odile Jacob. 2022
Martin Gauthier, MD
Martin Gauthier M.D. is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and a Training Analyst in private practice in Montreal, Canada. For 35 years, he treated children, adolescents and their families at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, and taught at McGill University. He is a former President of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society and of the Société psychanalytique de Montréal, as well as a former North-American representative on the Board of the International Psychoanalytic Association.
Dr Mary Brady
Dr. Mary Brady is an adult and child psychoanalyst practicing in San Francisco. On the Faculties of the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, she is recipient of the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Roughton Award for her writing. Her book, Psychoanalysis with Adolescents and Children: Learning to Surf is forthcoming from Routledge. She is Editor of Braving the Erotic Field in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents, (Routledge, 2022). She is also author of Analytic Engagements with Adolescents and The Body in Adolescence (Routledge in 2018 and 2016 respectively). She is North American Co-Chair for the Committee on Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis (COCAP) of the IPA and has co-led a Psychoanalysis and Film group for a decade.
Thomas Marcacci
Lives and works in Bologna. Psychoanalytical psychotherapist of children and adolescents and full member of the IPA. Works full time in private practice as a psychoanalyst.
In 2017 he opened a psychoanalytical clinic in Bologna, Centro Evo, where he coordinates a team of psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and educators, with the aim of studying and healing psychic affliction throughout the individual’s lifespan.
Since 2019 he is IPSO Editor Elect, committed to spreading the value of candidates’ experiences also as a nurture for the whole psychoanalytical community.
Nergis Güleç
Nergis Güleç is an IPA adult, child and adolescent psychoanalyst in private practice in İstanbul -Türkiye. She is a member and past president of İstanbul Psychoanalytical Association . She is the founding and past board member of İstanbul Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy Association (İCEPPD) which is affiliated to EFPP (European Federation for Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy).
She is an EFPP (European Federation for Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy ) accredited Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist. She is the General Secretary of the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF) .
She is a member of the IPA publications committee.She is the co editor of the book " Bebeği Anlamak. Ailesi içinde bebeği gözlemlemek" ("Understanding the Baby. Observation of the infant in the family") published by Bağlam Publishing House in 2016.
Moderator and Chair Publications Committee - Dr Silvia Flechner
Silvia Flechner is an IPA full member. Member of the Uruguayan Psychoanalytic Association. Chair of the Publications Committee.
Moderator - Rafael Mondzrak
He is a medical doctor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Currently working as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychiatrist in private practice in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Candidate to the Institute of the Psychoanalytic Society of Porto Alegre (SPPA).