Psychoanalysis and Teleanalysis: The Patient, the Analyst, the Institution
After the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional way of practicing psychoanalysis changed significantly. All the processes usually understood in person have been resignified in a "remote" modality. This has generated fascinating clinical and theoretical issues that this webinar wishes to explore. Three expert analysts on this subject will discuss their own experience, projecting interesting reflections on teleanalysis.
Andrea Marzi, Italy
Download paper: Teleanalysis, the body and institutional controversies
The paper will deal with two very important topics in this field, actually linked together: the first is the interesting problem of the interface between the body and teleanalysis; the second one concerns the very controversial and still unresolved problem of the institutional and procedural dimension, for which the IPA set up a first Task Force and then a second Task Force on the study of training in relation to the practice of psychoanalysis.
MD, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, PhD in Medical Ethics, Full member of the International Psychoanalytical Association and of the Italian Psychoanalytical Society (Società Psicoanalitica Italiana), and Active Member of the American Psychoanalytic Association, holding in these fields several national and international functions in groups and committees. IPA Member of the Task Force on Remote analysis in Training. Former Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Siena. He was a member of the IPA Committee "Psychoanalysis and the Law". He served as a Member in the Italian Society Committee for the revision of the Society Code of Ethics (2020). He has published several dozens of scientific articles in national and international journals, and several books. Among the latest ones are : Author and Editor Psychoanalysis, Identity and the Internet, (Karnac, 2016), "Psychoanalysis, the Digital World, and the Pandemic: Frontiers and Challenges in Different Settings", Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 2023. The recent book "Body as psychoanalytic object: Clinical applications from Winnicott to Bion and beyond" (Caron Harrang, Drew Tillotson, and Nancy C. Winters eds. (Routledge, 2022), where he published a contribution "The Body Vanishes? Preliminary Thoughts on Bodily Experience and the Identity of the Analyst in Remote Analysis", has been selected for the 2022 Gradiva Award for the best edited book.
Liliana Manguel, Argentina
I will refer to the analytic process in which sensations and emotions invade the analytic field. Different fantasies and motivations emerge. The absence of the body in tele sessions can create different blanks that have to be discovered when the sense of intimacy, closeness and transference is being altered.Taking into account that it is different when the treatment on line is carried by the dyad out of necessity or out of conviction.
Full Member of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA)
Full Member of the Latin American Psychoanalytic Association (FEPAL)
Full Member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA)
Active member, APsaA.
IPA Member of the Task Force 1 on Remote Analysis in training.
IPA Member of the Task Force 2 on psychoanalytic training in contemporary times.
Current Director of the Training Analysis and Supervision Committee of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA)
Professor, Masters program in Psychopathology and Mental Health.
Professor in the Seminar “Psychotherapy Current Theories” and “Teleanalysis”in the Mental Health University.
Form part in several International researching groups of Teleanalysis, and on the text” The Three Level Model(3LM) for Observing Patient Transformation“
Co-author of the book :” Psychoanalysis Online 4: “Teleanalytic Practice,Teaching and Clinical Research“ edited by Jilll Scharff.
Author of numerous scientific articles about Teleanalysis.
Martina Burdet, Spain
Download paper: A particular effect of the image on countertransference teleworking
I will focus my speech on the closeness at the distance, from the analyst´s side and his countertransference. New diversified forms of sensoriality, sensuality can appear in a teleanalysis with image since. I am interested in showing here the paradox that exists in relation to the intense bodily presence of the patient in the bodily and mental experience regardless of the distance.
Full Member of the International Psychoanalytical Association and of the Madrid Psychoanalytical Association. Member of the Paris Society. IPA Member of the Task Force on Remote Analysis in training. Former General Secretary of the European Federation of Psychoanalysis. Former President and Chief Executive of the global e-journal between the IPA Regions: Chair of the FEP Ad-Hoc Group on “Research in Teleanalysis”. Form part in several projects about the Outreach of Psychoanalysis in China. Author of numerous scientific articles in different revues, the last one about the online work during the Covid crisis regarding both sides: the one of patient and the other of the analyst. (Belgium Revue of Psychoanalysis). Author of the book
Love in The Time of the internet. Do you l@ve me or do you follow me?
Sergio Nick, Brazil
Bio: Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst; Former Vice-President of the International Psychoanalytic Association - API; Child and Adolescent Psychoanalyst - COCAP / API; Effective member of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of Rio de Janeiro - SBPRJ.