IPA Society Community Initiatives

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Travessia Project - SBPRJ (component society in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, hunger came to many people's homes. With the necessary closure of school units, students in the municipal education network in Rio de Janeiro lost their main source of food. This particular initiative of TRAVESSIA PROJECT was born from the report of the teachers with whom we currently work. Our goal was to collect 300 food parcels for their students' families. Due to everyone's generous contribution, we were able to more than double our initial goal and collect 700 food parcels, which were distributed to families in Jacarezinho, Lins, Campo Grande and Jacarepaguá. This result was only possible thanks to the bond of trust established over the nearly 20 years that TRAVESSIA PROJECT works with vulnerable populations in Rio de Janeiro. We have learned over this time that care cannot be punctual, but needs continuity to be effective. In COVID-19 times, we continued with Travessia's work with the teachers, maintaining and expanding our network through weekly online chatting circles. It is in this virtual space that we remain present in the face of the rupture caused by the pandemic. Even isolated, we remain connected. We did a great action together. The next step will be to expand this chain. It will be a challenge, but we believe that if each of us gets 5 more friends to contribute to our campaign, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of these families. The donation can be made to the Brazilian Psychoanalytical Society of Rio de Janeiro (RIO2): Banco Itaú, branch 0311, account 38725-2, CNPJ 33.599.390 / 0001-17 In order to identify the donation and direct it to this specific project, please add 50 cents to the total amount. We thank for the teachers and their children's families. We thank you for staying with us along the way.  
 (Español) (Português )

Estoy Contigo 

La asociación Psicoanalítica Mexicana, atenta a sus responsabilidades sociales está reactivando el programa ESTOY CONTIGO, Brigadas Interinstitucionales de Apoyo Emocional, que estará brindando apoyo emocional gratuito a las personas que debido a la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID-19 padezcan de algún trastorno emocional.

Corona lockdown Italy

400 Italian psychoanalysts faced with the reality of Covid 

Anna Maria Nicolò, Italian Psychanalytic Society (SPI) writes:  In March 2020 the Italian State decided to lock down the whole nation because of the Covid-19 epidemic. In Lombardy especially, the wealthiest region in the country, the daily update announced a terrifying increase in cases and deaths. Read more

Coalition for Psychoanalysis in the NHS 

COVID-19 has placed all sectors of the health service under immense pressure. The full mental health impact is yet to be felt. This briefing outlines three principal ways for how the Coalition for Psychoanalysis in the NHS is uniquely placed to offer help. It also features case studies for some initiatives we are taking.

Social closeness at a time of social distancing

The 'case' of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society in the time of COVID-19. Israel Psychoanalytical Society's President and Board set up a WhatsApp group for its members: "Space for Thinking".