Monday 28th - Thursday 31st October 2024
Shanghai, China


We are pleased to announce the 2024 IPA Annual Research Training Program (RTP). The major aim of this well-established program is to support IPA candidates and young researchers in conceptualizing and conducting studies in the broad field of contemporary psychoanalytic research. Therefore, the program of the RTP will be focused around the research of attending fellows and will be discussed in consultation by an international faculty of IPA visiting professors in psychoanalytic research. The faculty includes Jianyin Qiu, Clara Schejtman, Mark Solms, Stephan Doering, Stephan Hau, Rogerio Lerner, and Manfred Beutel.

The program involves four full days from Monday 28th to Thursday 31st of October, 2024, and will be based at the Shanghai Mental Health Centre in Shanghai, China. As in previous years, the aims of this successful training program will be to provide attendees with opportunities for constructive consultation for their research projects at whatever phase of development the project is currently in (conception, design, data collection, or data analysis and write-up phase). Training in empirical and conceptual approaches to psychoanalytic research in a number of areas is available, e.g., psychotherapy, personality and psychopathology, attachment and parenting, social neuroscience, developmental processes, neurocognitive functioning, psychoanalytic process and outcome and clinical/conceptual research.

A central part of the experience for trainees will be the opportunity to present and discuss their own research projects and research goals with members of the faculty and other participants. The curriculum will include an introduction to current research methods, as well as particular applications exemplified from research programs of members of the faculty. Interested applicants may read more about the goals of the program, and a review of its beginnings in a Guest Editorial of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis vol 78, no 4, pp 643-651 (1997). Descriptions and findings of IPA funded research projects can be found by clicking here, then scrolling down as well as across the research button. A rich overview of psychoanalytic process and outcome research can be found in Open door review, click here
The program will offer constructive and critical reviews of projects in a way that should facilitate grant writing and fundraising and thus provide additional opportunities for continuing psychoanalytic research. We also anticipate that participants of the Research Training Program will benefit from networking with consultants and collaborators for their future work. They will join a network of research fellows within the IPA and will have opportunities for active exchanges by e-mail, list servers and conferences.

Each fellow will also be welcome to attend the Joseph Sandler Research Conference: The scientific basis of psychoanalytic therapy: clinical practice, theory, and research, which will follow the RTP on the afternoon of Friday, November 1st to Sunday, November 3rd. The following speakers have been invited: John Clarkin, Jianyin Qiu, Stephan Doering, Siri Gullestad, Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Stephan Hau, Alexandra Harrison,Clara Schejtman, Mark Solms, Rogerio Lerner, Manfred Beutel, Jun Tong and Jonathan Shedler.

Those interested in the RTP should e-mail to both:
Jianyin Qiu (e-mail: [email protected]) and John Clarkin (e-mail: [email protected]).

All emails will be acknowledged. Please write “RTP-submission2024” as a subject of the e-mail.

The application should take the format of (please keep to a maximum of 6 pages):
- a brief CV.
-details of your current research interest and involvement
-a summary of the proposed project you will bring for consultation including a statement of how this project is relevant to contemporary psychoanalysis. As in previous years we emphasize that this could be research as part of a collaborative team or your own, and it could be at a beginning phase or from an ongoing research project in which you are participating.


The Research Training Program (RTP) takes place at the Shanghai Mental Health Centre.


The participation in the Research Training Program (RTP) is free of costs, but be aware that you have to pay yourself for travel costs and accommodation. You are welcome to stay for the Sandler Conference (November 1-3, 2023), as RTP fellows you would pay the reduced candidates´ (or students´) fee.

Hotel/ Accomodation in Shanghai 
We have reserved some rooms at:

Lee Gardens Hotel Shanghai 上海利园国际⼤酒店
Booking at:
This hotel is beautifully located next to Shanghai Mental Health Center. Walking distance to the venue is 15 minutes, to one of the city centers (XuJiaHui) is 20 minutes.
Price Range: €90-166

The Magnotel (Wanping. S. Rd.) ⽩⽟兰酒店(宛平南路店)
Booking at:
This hotel is beautifully located next to Shanghai Mental Health Center. Walking distance to the venue is 7 minutes, to one of the city centers (XuJiaHui) is 20 minutes.
This hotel is in walking distance from to the Shanghai Mental Health Centre. We will hold the rooms until the deadline for application. Booking, payment and cancellation at your own expense.
Price Range: €46-53