History of Psychoanalysis

While various individuals across the three regions are studying the history of psychoanalysis, these efforts are for the most part discrete and unconnected with one another. The History of Psychoanalysis Committee is envisioned as a means to bring these efforts into dialogue and to enhance inter-regional collaboration among IPA analysts.

The annual bibliographies in German, Spanish and English with the relevant papers in scientific journals covering the History of Psychoanalysis  have been established by the History of Psychoanalysis Committee for the years 2015/16 to 2018 by Arkadi Blatow, Hale Sirin, Javier Montejo and Marcela Bouteiller).  The French bibliography is missing currently due to the lack of a French member in the committee.

To access the bibliographies, search by:

  • Language (German, Spanish, English)
  • Year (2015 - 2018)
  • Author (Arkadi Blatow, Hale Sirin, Javier Montejo and Marcela Bouteiller)

Ludger Hermanns
(Chair History of Psychoanalysis Committee IPA)

Bibliography on History of Psychoanalysis

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