IPA in the Community Awards Winners 2019

The IPA is pleased to announce the first IPA in the Community Awards, which serves to recognise the valuable work IPA members and candidates that are working in the community and helping to expand the reach of psychoanalysis. The awards were presented at the IPA London Congress in July 2019, and a first and second prize was awarded to the bet projects that support the work of each of the IPA Community macro-areas: IPA in Culture, IPA in Education, IPA in Health, IPA and Humanitarian Organisations, Psychoanalysis and Law, and Violence. A special ‘President’s Award’ was presented to the overall best project amongst all applicants.

President’s Award
Winner: Maria Pia Costa 
Society: Peru Psychoanalytic Society
Project Title: Psicólogos Contigo 

IPA in Culture
Winner: Regine Lockot
Society: German Psychoanalytical Society
Project Title: Mit Freud in Berlin 

Runners-up: Sônia Tucherman and Tereza Mônica Barreto Bastos
Society: Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro 
Project Title: Psychoanalysis and Culture University Radio 

IPA in Humanitarian Organisations 
Winner: Ilker Özyildirim
Society: Istanbul Psychoanalytical Association
Project Title: Project for the Psychoanalytical Treatment of and Support to Survivors of Social Violence with a priority on severe human rights violations and torture

Runners-up: Francisco González, Kara Swedlow, Lee Slome, and Rachael Peltz
Society: Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California
Project Title: Community Psychoanalysis -Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (PINC)

IPA in Education
Winner: María Del Carmen Miguez
Society: Caracas Psychoanalytic Society
Project Title: Asunto precoz: Guía urgente para padres 2019

Runner-up: Helga Quagilatto

Society: Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of Sao Paolo 
Project Title: Include Inclusion

Runner-up: Héctor Ferrari

Society: Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association 
Project Title: La contribución del psicoanálisis a la formación de estudiantes de medicina

IPA in Psychoanalysis and Law
Winner: Coralie Trotter
Society: South African Psychoanalytical Association 
Project Title: The Mark of the Life Esidimeni Decanting

Runner-up: Juan Pinetta

Society: Argentine Psychoanalytic Association 
Project Title: Comisión Enlace Legislativo 

IPA in Health
Winner: Gavril Hercz
Society: Canadian Psychoanalytic Society
Project Title: Psychonephrology

Runner-up: Nahir Bonifacino
Society: Uruguayan Psychoanalytical Association
Project Title: Aportes del Psicoanálisis a la Pediatría. Detección de retraimiento infantil y promoción del vínculo temprano en la consulta pediátrica para la reducción de riesgo en el Desarrollo Emocional

IPA in Violence
Winners: Dalia Guzik Rubinstein, Cristina Oñate, Bertha Elnora Jiménez Arrieta, and María del Rocío O. Rojas Ayala 
Society: Mexican Association for Psychoanalytic Practice, Training & Research
Project Title: Female Identity and Violence: A Psychoanalytic Community Intervention in Mexico

Runner-up: Maria Teresa Naylor Rocha
Society: Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro
Project Title: Travessia Project