1. Definition of remote analysis
Remote analysis takes place when analyst and patient are not present in the same room. It can be conducted by phone or Skype (with or without a webcam). Shuttle and Concentrated analysis, although often used in conjunction with remote analysis, are carried out ‘in the room’ and are not therefore remote analysis.
2. Changes to this document
The experimental nature of Skype/telephone analysis is acknowledged and more research is necessary in order to fully understand how it differs from regular ‘in the room’ analysis. For this reason, this document will be reviewed from time to time as further information is acquired.
3. Remote analysis as part of a Training Analysis
Remote sessions may be approved as part of a Training Analysis only in exceptional circumstances: When it is essential because of the need to train a first core of analysts in an area where there is no IPA presence. Those trained in this way may then go on to provide 'in the room' analysis to train candidates.
To remain compliant with equalities legislation, this option must now also be available for people with disabilities who would otherwise be unable to have access to training.
4. Authority
a. When Remote analysis is proposed as part of a Training Analysis under the auspices of a Regional Institute (EPA, ILAP or China Committee) or an IPA Sponsoring or Liaison Committee, the authorization must be granted by ING on a ‘case by case’ basis. It is expected that the Institute or Committee concerned will work on each candidate’s training ‘project’ and closely follow their progression.
b. When Remote analysis is proposed as part of a Training Analysis under the auspices of an IPA Component Society or the Regional Association (APsaA) the Association concerned is required to inform and consult the IPA’s Education Committee about their ‘exceptional circumstances’. It is expected that the organisation concerned will work on each candidate’s training 'project' and closely follow their progression.
5. Before beginning remote analysis the Training Analyst must:
a. be aware of the challenges presented by this modality and consider their candidate’s ability to sustain working in this way, e.g. early trauma and separation may indicate the potential for difficulties with this mode of analysis.
b. ensure that a second interview is carried out by an independent training analyst to ensure the analysis is not clinically or ethically counter indicated. This should allow a careful evaluation of the psychic functioning of the candidate and their defensive system and the candidate’s capacity to undergo this remote frame.
c. consider the impact of technology and the experimental nature of the undertaking.
d. ensure that the candidate is fluent in the language in which the analysis will be conducted, both from the point of view of comprehension and spoken language.
e. seek consultation with a senior colleague for their 'remote' analytic work.
f. inform themselves about the socio/cultural context of the candidate’s country of origin.
g. examine their own ability to work remotely. Experienced analysts with a secure internal setting and a solid analytic identity are better suited to work with Skype/telephone, and can better withstand variations in the external setting.
6. Minimum requirements for remote training analysis
As a premise, it is recommended that the longest possible period of ‘in the room’ analysis is carried out in order to anchor the transference, facilitate the transference and counter transference processes and allow both analyst and analysand to experience the emotional impact of each others ‘full presence’.
Although each analytic situation is unique and it is up to each analyst-analysand couple to determine the length of the initial 'in the room' period; one of the following minimum requirements must be met:
a. Combination of shuttle analysis and Skype/telephone analysis in training analysis: The usual requirement for shuttle analysis of 100 sessions per year must be maintained, with additional Skype/telephone sessions to enhance the continuity of the process.
b. 'in the room analysis' for a minimum of 1 year, until such time that the psychoanalytic process has been established. From then on a continuation with Skype/telephone analysis, with further periods of ‘in the room analysis’ – a total of at least one month every year.
c. 'in the room analysis' for a minimum of 1 year, until such time that the psychoanalytic process has been established. From then on a continuation of periods of in the room analysis (e.g. 70%) and a shorter period of Skype/telephone analysis (e.g. 30%). These percentages could be considered cumulatively or year by year and are left to the discretion of the analyst and the candidate.
7. Recommendations
a) Regional Institutes (EPA, ILAP and the China Committee) are asked to consider the option of shuttling an Interim Training Analyst to reside in the new area – in line with the IPA’s procedure on Interim Training Analysts.
b) Component Societies may also consider assisting developing groups in areas where there is no IPA presence by shuttling Training Analysts to reside in those areas.
c) Training Analysts working in remote analysis are asked to collaborate with the IPA’s Education and Oversight Committee which is establishing a feedback system to facilitate reflection and experience sharing.
d) Small discussion groups will be organized during IPA Congresses to provide a forum for discussion, gather information about research and literature and compare clinical work.
e) The IPA will continue to consult with the Regional Organizations the EPA, ILAP and the China Committee to monitor the outcome.
Change Log
Approved by the Board of Representatives, electronic vote, December 2014
*This change record is for background information only and does not form part of the Procedural Code. If there is any conflict between a statement in the Procedural Code and a statement in this change record, the change record will be disregarded.